Friday, August 6, 2010

Eva Zeisel RedWing on The Story of Stuff

I went into look at a potential estate sale last month and noticed a beautiful set of sand and rust dishes in the china cabinet.  They were unmarked.  What struck me about these dishes was the "off-kilterness" of them.  They seemed really modern and I thought perhaps they had come from an independent art or pottery store.  I was told that they items were over 50 years old.  I was suprised by this, as the dishes did not seem as though they would come out of the 1940's.  The salt and pepper shakers were alien looking or gourd looking, I can't decide.  The tea pot is off center, the plates are lopsided.

I did some research without finding much out.  At the suggestion of an antiques appraiser that I work with, I emailed pictures of the pieces to  Within a few days they told me what I actually had was a set of Red Wing Eva Zeisel dinnerware.  Its relatively rare because it is unmarked and people didn't realize it was Red Wing or Eva Zeisel (both highly collectible).

It turns out I had pieces from the sand, rust and blue lines of the Town and Country line.  Some colors were reproduced in the mid 1990's but those are marked.  The originals are not.  What cool little dishes these are. 

They will be available for sale at the estate sale on Frances Street in Appleton on August 12, 13, 14.  Although I do covet them myself, I never cherry pick the estate sales that I run.  Hope to see you there.  For pictures and more information please visit and click on the events tab.

1 comment:

  1. Eva Zeisel is 103 years old and still alive. She seems like a neat person.
